Traditional Chinese Medicine…Does It Work?

By Fred
Chinese Medicine

If you’ve ever suffered from problems such as anxiety, headaches, arthritis, diarrhea or a variety of other ailments, you’ve probably gone to your traditional medical doctor many times. As is often the case these days, your doctor more than likely prescribed a tablet for you and sent you on your way. Left with medication in hand and not many answers to reassure you that this is the correct treatment, you may be wondering what side effects does this pill have and is it even going to help you solve your problem! Like many, you may feel that the swift diagnosis you’ve been given seemed rashly assigned without much thought being put into it at all.Perhaps a completely alternative type of medicine should be considered. You may have heard about traditional chinese medicine or TCM. You may have already considered it as a remedy for your ailments. But you may have hesitated, asking yourself, does traditional chinese medicine work?

For more than 23 centuries, TCM has been used to effectively treat men, women and children. It is a complete framework of medicine in its own right. In addition to healing your aches and pains, it is also beneficial for your mental and emotional wellbeing. And when one is recovering from previous illness, this treatment helps to improve the immune system, which in turn, has a positive effect on your outlook on life as a whole. Is there anything more important?!

Before you can answer the question,’does traditional chinese medicine work?’ You need to be aware of the various components of TCM. Acupuncture is one such component. This form of treatment works very well for people suffering with back pain, high blood pressure, acid reflux and insomnia to name but a few. It provides wonderful pain relief in general and is even used for diet and weight control and to assist people to quit smoking. Acupuncture treatment is done by inserting fine needles just under the skin at special points throughout the body. The acupuncturist takes into consideration the size, weight and age of their client to decide the size of the needle necessary and how deep the needles need to be placed.

Another component of traditional chinese medicine is the technique known as Qiqong Therapy. This therapy involves regulating the body, mind and respiration of the client. You need to be comfortable and stay very still as you carry out the various breathing techniques.

Cupping is another of the many techniques used in TCM. Heated glass cups are used to draw out toxins from areas in the body that have become congested and, in turn, circulation is improved.

Traditional chinese medicine practitioners are sometimes also refered to as chinese herbalists. A mix of herbs specific to the symptoms that the client presents with, are used in treatment, recovery and health maintenance. Herbal medicine is gentler and safer than chemical medicines and have much fewer side effects.

So once again, you ask yourself,’does traditional chinese medicine work?’ Well, the documented evidence of its use throughout many centuries by those who sing its praises and swear by it, is certainly convincing. It’s a safe alternative. And,many people who only try it out when they are not getting any satisfaction from the traditional western medical system, often say that they wished that they had turned to TCM first! In a word, Yes. Traditional chinese medicine, be it herbs, acupuncture, cupping, qiqong or other techniques involved in this ancient practice, can certainly work for you.

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